Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Today's present for teachers

I made two more blocks today that can be used for different purposes. 

This one is the "fruit cube" for
-teaching the names of fruits 
- hiding little fruits flashcards in the pockets
- guessing what mummy hid inside

What does it look like? 

A nice bag belogs to the "fruit cube". You can put in the cube or any other fruits. The children can guess what you hide in the bag. A good game for practising speaking skills. 

Here is the apple bag

This is the "secret cube

Do you like it? 


Lilla said...

I love the secret cube!!!! You have such a creative mind!!! Can I have one of those, please???

decek said...

Dear Lilla,

Many thanks for ordering:) yes, of course. I need some more time though. Please let me know if you have any specific color/size you want me to make the secret cube of.

Lilla said...

Can I have it in the same size with my bigger EC, 10x10x10 cms, please? Any colours will do:-) Thank you very much. And no hurry!

decek said...


Lilla said...

I have received the cubes - they are beutifully made! Thank you very much!