Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Játsszunk angolul!"

English Festival 

in Veszprém 13/04/2013 

A bunch of committed language teachers organised an event called "Játsszunk angolul!" last Saturday. We invited parents who think that early language learning is fun and important. It was a great morning event. We were dead tired at the end but it was worth it. I was in the "playgroup" with a lovely bunch of kiddos and enjoyed playing and singing along with them. 

You can find more about the program here at this web site.  http://www.csoppangol.hu/  At Rita's website you can also find Hungarian information about her English groups. 

We played a bit with my new cubes and letters 
I sewed another day. 

Here they are: 

 We agreed that knowing English means: 

education, fun, love and joy. 

What would you add to these? 

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